News & Events

February 09, 2025

Craftsmanship to Perfection

JOHANN FANZOJ´s unbelievable “Four-Barrelled Rifle-Shotgun” (VIERLING)

An astonishing technical tour-de-force, from the conception, design & crafting of this MASTERPIECE over a 6 year span,” smiles creative director Daniela Fanzoj representing Johann Fanzoj gunmakers, still in disbelief of this monumental undertaking, “something that I will see happen only once in my lifetime in our workshop”.

The basis for the design and construction of this extraordinary four-barrel firearm was that of a client’s specific request and fantasy of paring a side-by-side double rifle (Cal. 9,3/9,3X74R) with an Over-and-Under shotgun (Gauge 20/20/76mm) to be transformed into one single firearm.

The customer required that the Vierling fire four times in succession, with “hot” barrels; The platform should be a robust, reliable mechanism that would guarantee inherent quick handling characteristics – then quickly reload and continue in the same sequence, which in other words demands that the sporting weapon have ejectors for all four barrels!

“At this point it was definitely time to hold up the STOP sign – and run,” recalls Daniela Fanzoj, which the firm did not do, but rather “we took the bull by its horns, dug into this challenge and built this incredible weapon”. The result is a stunning and unsurpassed intricate mechanism, also being an object of culture and worth(value), which exhibits an amazing level of performance.

Four barrels, H&H style sidelocks, 4 individual automatic ejectors, did little to lessen this impressive sporting arm’s responsiveness and wonderful balance. Massive, without a doubt, but not “heavy” at all with a weight of 3,8kg this sporting weapon handles magnificently.

It was an enormous task to design and build, as well as join and regulate the barrels twp-times-two in order that they would shoot together at the same point of impact, in sequence – first the 9,3mm barrels then the shotgun barrels simply by pushing the barrel selector forward, the shooter continues his regiment with the 20-gauge barrels. Automatic ejectors for the shotgun barrels facilitate quick reloading for additional four shots.

Which it does without hesitation; what a pleasure of a very specific, unique nature to fire in quick succession a quadruple series in sequence from this amazing, functional piece of High Art.”

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