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09 февраля, 2025
A ballistic behemoth in the cloaks of a traditional Austrian rifle
A Johann Fanzoj Single-shot rifle built to the gigantic 33XC cartridge. Never before had anybody attempted to build this caliber to a classy break-down mechanism in an individually handcrafted luxury hunting firearm. With this rifle we are pushing the borders of physics. 114gr of powder pushing a 300gr A tip bullet out of a quite short and lightweight rifle. Barrel length: 67,5 cm (26,5 inch) barrel, Rifle weight: 6,1 kg/13,5 lbs, Total weight: 7,5 kg/16,5 lbs including a ZC Zero Compromise scope.
We have reached an equilibrium here, a great mix of materials, balance and shooting comfort.
The performance of the rifle on the ranges shows that it is perfectly capable of delivering match precision ensuring a successful shot at long range distances. The choice of the actual distances is the individual hunter’s decision.
Why does Fanzoj build a 33XC hunting rifle?
Because we can. We are specialized in fulfilling dreams and visions of our customers and can offer unprecedented levels of customization within our infrastructure and exceptional team of mastercraftsmen. We are the link between tradition and innovation.
This 33XC Single shot rifle is a one-of-a-kind item created to one particular customer’s specification and no one else owns one like it. Projects to such extreme deliver valuable experience for our signature line of sophisticated hunting firearms for your clients.

(by Rod/Rifletalks)
This is a ballistic giant in the cloaks of a traditional Austrian rifle, in the unprecedented 33XC magnum rifle cartridge built by Johann Fanzoj.
We have seen excellence and expert craftsmanship for decades, but no one had crossed this milestone of creating a classic rifle that provides the ballistics of much larger ballistic powerhouse that facilitates the single shot mission, a Kipplauf hunting rifle was designed for.
It’s a hybrid that promotes the sporting, single-shot approach to hunting fused with the best-in-class ballistics to seize hunting opportunities not explored beforehand.
The KB33XC reinvents the purpose and use of this break-barrel rifle design providing unparalleled precision and unmatched surgical delivery while embellished in the most royal and distinct of looks that a 9-generation firm can produce, when you’ve been crafting rifles from 1790.
You may think you’ve seen it all, until today.
The 33XC cartridge was bred to win extreme long-range matches, initially in the USA but it has spread like wildfire globally. It has since dominated rifle matches around the globe where shots past 2000 m in competition conditions are the norm. It offers the hunter surgical precision, unparalleled energy, portability and class other’s fall short of.
Johann Fanzoj took on the challenge to build a light Kipplauf rifle that can handle 114gr of propellant to match the ballistics of a 36” barrelled, 338 Lapua Magnum in a 26” barrel. The Kipplauf design void of a dedicated action shortens the overall length of the rifle even further.
To help you visualise further, the traditional 375H&H cartridge pushes a 300 gr bullet at circa 2500-2600 ft/s. The 33XC provides an additional 400 ft/s (121 m/s) over that in this format. That’s 5600 ftlbs of energy at 100 m.
This Fanzoj Single shot recoils beautifully, ejecting spent cartridges gracefully while printing fingernail groups at 200m like your match rifle. Learn more about it in the full overview article.

300WM versus 33XC

Matching pistol, SIG P226 (German production)
Client’s amateur video taken when shooting the Fanzoj KB 33XC on 1500 m
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